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Fetch Translations


Translations are experimental in Paintor and their implementation may change!

Basic Usage

For the browser there is a function fetchTranslations() that would try to fetch one or more remote translations. It accepts string arguments, which should be the paths to existing translations. Then, the fetched translations are used in useTranslations(), as shown below:

import { component, fetchTranslations } from 'paintor'

const translations = await fetchTranslations('/path/to/en.js')

component(/* ... */).useTranslations(tranlstions).paint('#container')


fetchTranslations() would not work properly in server environment.

How Fetching Works?

Let's say you have English and Italian translations in folder /translations. There should be two files with there:

export default {
  hello: 'Hello'
export default {
  hello: 'Ciao'

It is necessary for the files to have names that are valid Language Codes. It is also necessary for the files to export their translation Object as a default export.

Now use fetchTranslations() like this, pointing to the default translation:

const translations = await fetchTranslations('/translations/en.js')

fetchTranslations() gets the user's language code from the lang attribute of the html tag, and replaces the file name in the path with the that language code.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

If the user's language code is 'it', then the file that will be imported will be changed to /translations/it.js.

fetchTranslations() uses import() to import the file. If the import fails, it will try to import the default file instead. In our example this is /translations/en.js.