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Observe States

Create Observers

State changes can be observed by using on(). It accepts either a state or a state property. Here is an example of correctly using on() with a state:

import { on, state } from 'paintor'

const personState = state({ name: 'John', age: 33 })

on(personState).change(...)     // Correct: The input is a state
on(personState.age).change(...) // Correct: The input is a state property

It doesn't work with values that are not involved in a state:

import { on } from 'paintor'

const personObject = { name: 'Jane', age: 28 }

on(personState).change(...)     // Incorrect: The input is not a state
on(personState.age).change(...) // Incorrect: The input is not a state property

on() exposes the following functions:

  • .create() - detects when new elements are created
  • .change() - detects when existing elements are changed
  • .delete() - detects when existing elements are deleted
  • .set() - detects when new elements are created or existing elements are changed

Each of these functions has one argument - a listener function with one argument, which is the event. The event is an object with the following properties:

  • key - the key in the state that was created, changed or deleted
  • value - the current value
  • oldValue - the previous value
  • state - the state object
  • target - the object, used to build the state


.create() with object state:

import { on, state } from 'paintor'

const personState = state({ name: 'John' })

on(personState).create((event) => {

   * event is an object, containing this data:
   * {
   *    key: 'age',
   *    value: 33,
   *    oldValue: undefined,
   *    state: { name: 'John', age: 33 },
   *    target: { name: 'John', age: 33 }
   * }

personState.age = 33

.create() with object state property:

import { on, state } from 'paintor'

const personState = state({ name: 'John' })

on(personState.age).create((event) => {

   * event is an object, containing this data:
   * {
   *    key: 'age',
   *    value: 33,
   *    oldValue: undefined,
   *    state: { name: 'John', age: 33 },
   *    target: { name: 'John', age: 33 }
   * }

personState.age = 33

.create() with array state:

import { on, state } from 'paintor'

const personState = state([ 'John' ])

on(personState).create((event) => {

   * event is an object, containing this data:
   * {
   *    key: '1',
   *    value: 33,
   *    oldValue: undefined,
   *    state: [ 'John', 33 ],
   *    target: [ 'John', 33 ]
   * }


.create() with array state property:

import { on, state } from 'paintor'

const personState = state([ 'John' ])

on(personState[1]).create((event) => {

   * event is an object, containing this data:
   * {
   *    key: '1',
   *    value: 33,
   *    oldValue: undefined,
   *    state: [ 'John', 33 ],
   *    target: [ 'John', 33 ]
   * }



.change() with object state:

import { on, state } from 'paintor'

const personState = state({ name: 'John', age: 33 })

on(personState).change((event) => {

   * event is an object, containing this data:
   * {
   *    key: 'age',
   *    value: 34,
   *    oldValue: 33,
   *    state: { name: 'John', age: 34 },
   *    target: { name: 'John', age: 34 }
   * }

personState.age += 1

.change() with object state property:

import { on, state } from 'paintor'

const personState = state({ name: 'John', age: 33 })

on(personState.age).change((event) => {

   * event is an object, containing this data:
   * {
   *    key: 'age',
   *    value: 34,
   *    oldValue: 33,
   *    state: { name: 'John', age: 34 },
   *    target: { name: 'John', age: 34 }
   * }

personState.age += 1

.change() with array state:

import { on, state } from 'paintor'

const personState = state([ 'John', 33 ])

on(personState).change((event) => {

   * event is an object, containing this data:
   * {
   *    key: '1',
   *    value: 34,
   *    oldValue: 33,
   *    state: [ 'John', 34 ],
   *    target: [ 'John', 34 ]
   * }

personState[1] += 1

.change() with array state property:

import { on, state } from 'paintor'

const personState = state([ 'John', 33 ])

on(personState[1]).change((event) => {

   * event is an object, containing this data:
   * {
   *    key: '1',
   *    value: 34,
   *    oldValue: 33,
   *    state: [ 'John', 34 ],
   *    target: [ 'John', 34 ]
   * }

personState[1] += 1


.delete() with object state:

import { on, state } from 'paintor'

const personState = state({ name: 'John', age: 33 })

on(personState).delete((event) => {

   * event is an object, containing this data:
   * {
   *    key: 'age',
   *    value: undefined,
   *    oldValue: 33,
   *    state: { name: 'John' },
   *    target: { name: 'John' }
   * }

delete personState.age

.delete() with object state property:

import { on, state } from 'paintor'

const personState = state({ name: 'John', age: 33 })

on(personState.age).delete((event) => {

   * event is an object, containing this data:
   * {
   *    key: 'age',
   *    value: undefined,
   *    oldValue: 33,
   *    state: { name: 'John' },
   *    target: { name: 'John' }
   * }

delete personState.age

.delete() with array state:

import { on, state } from 'paintor'

const personState = state([ 'John', 33 ])

on(personState).delete((event) => {

   * event is an object, containing this data:
   * {
   *    key: '1',
   *    value: undefined,
   *    oldValue: 33,
   *    state: [ 'John' ],
   *    target: [ 'John', empty ]
   * }

delete personState[1]
// After delete, the length of the array remains the same
// and element 1 is empty

.delete() with array state property:

import { on, state } from 'paintor'

const personState = state([ 'John', 33 ])

on(personState[1]).delete((event) => {

   * event is an object, containing this data:
   * {
   *    key: '1',
   *    value: undefined,
   *    oldValue: 33,
   *    state: [ 'John' ],
   *    target: [ 'John', empty ]
   * }

delete personState[1]
// After delete, the length of the array remains the same
// and element 1 is empty


.set() is like a combination of .create() and .change().

Remove observers

.off() is used to remove observers. It has three arguments:

  • state or state property
  • (optional) the event to be removed - 'create', 'change', 'delete' or 'set'
  • (optional) listener function
import { on, off, state } from 'paintor'

const personState = state({ name: 'John', age: 33 })

// Observe
const statelistener = (event) => {...}
const nameListener = (event) => {...}
const ageListener = (event) => {...}


// Remove all observers on personState

// Remove all observers on the 'name' property of personState

// Remove all 'change' observers on personState
off(personState, 'change')

// Remove the 'change' observer on personState,
// where 'nameListener' is used as a listener
off(personState, 'change', nameListener)

// Remove the 'change' observer on the 'age' property of personState,
// where 'ageListener' is used
off(personState.age, 'change', listenerTwo)